Accelerating St. Louis towards a true Circular Economy through innovative waste processing.
New Planet in St. Louis
New Planet Energy proposes to construct and operate a modern, reliable waste processing facility in St. Louis that will recover and convert as much as 80% of the waste material disposed of by St. Louis residents into a high-energy, low-emission fuel product that will power industrial plants and extract valuable recyclables.
About the facility
New Planet's proposed facility will be located within North St. Louis and will be fully permitted by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. By contracting with New Planet for its residential waste management capacity, the City can become one of the first major cities in the US to substantially achieve a Zero Waste Goal, accelerating the City towards a true Circular Economy and balancing City residents’ strong desire to live sustainable lives while being fiscally responsible.
New Planet is committed to offering cities innovative and sustainable solutions to the rising costs of municipal solid waste (MSW) disposal and to help reduce critical greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that cause climate change.
See an example of a Similar Process
To see an example of a similar style of Mixed Waste Processing system that we could bring to your municipality, watch the video about the Davis Material Recovery Facility in Layton, Utah, which is owned by the Wasatch Integrated Waste Management District (WIWMD), via the link below.
Similar to New Planet’s solution, the equipment in the WIWMD facility was designed and provided by CP Group, which is the same equipment provider New Planet trusts for its system. Additionally, New Planet’s planning team member, Gershman, Brickner & Bratton, Inc., was also involved with the WIWMD facility and brings that experience to our team.
Local development TEAM

Ryan Bird
Ryan is a proven performer with a knack for developing talent and teams. He joined the New Planet Energy team as CEO in 2017.
He has honed his natural skill set with 20+ years of experience. As area manager for Progressive Waste (now Waste Connections Inc (NYSE: WCN)), he oversaw one of the busiest areas in the United States for waste management in New York City, Long Island, and some landfills in the Northeast region. He earned recognition for “Best Year Over Year Performance”, “Best Sales Performance”, and “Best in Class Safety”. He put his diplomacy skills to the test as the negotiator with New York City officials and competitors to create best practices for disposal and recycling.
He is an efficient and prudent leader, a result of being trained as an accountant at Brigham Young University. As an executive vice president of Global Connect, he created and grew two divisions to reach more than $4 million in annual sales, while helping to set the overall strategy for the company and organizational structure. Ryan began his career in positions with Arthur Andersen and Waste Management.

Stephanie Lewis
Along with working with FUSE3, Stephanie Lewis is a vice president with FPM Communications, a local firm based in St. Louis and Washington, DC. She has significant experience in large public, private, and government sector organizations at the local and federal levels. Ms. Lewis assembles and manages alliances to meet communications and public affairs objectives while transforming strategic initiatives.
Ms. Lewis previously managed the communications of a $2.3 million paid and earned media campaign for the National Election Protection Organization during the 2020 Presidential Election Cycle. This effort entailed coordinating several organizations, such as State Infrastructure Fund, NEO Philanthropy, Common Cause, Lawyer’s Committee, and State Voices, along with over 35 organizations across the country, on a paid media campaign and working closely with Ohio Voices, Virginia Civic Engagement Table, ProGeorgia and Georgia Coalition for the People’s Agenda, on earned media initiatives.
Ms. Lewis managed the workforce development, contract compliance, and communications for a $6 million compliance project for Parson Construction and a $2 billion infrastructure project with Anacostia Waterfront Initiative for the District of Columbia Department of Transportation. She developed a region-wide communications and recruitment plan to communicate and build a skilled and competitive workforce for the District of Columbia. Part of this initiative was to lead the process of identifying contracting opportunities for Disadvantage Business Enterprises (DBE), Certified Business Enterprises (CBE), and Small Business Enterprises (SBE). Ms. Lewis has over thirty years of human resources experience in leadership roles with large and small companies. Ms. Lewis previously held the position of vice president of human resources at People’s Health Centers Corporations, leading human resources activities for three of its organizations.

Clifford Franklin
Mr. Franklin serves as the president of FUSE3, a St. Louis-based, full-service integrated advertising firm and final phase marketing. He is the CEO of the online urban video network, www.gfntv.com. FUSE3 serves high-profile clients, such as CNN, Hyundai, IBM, Anheuser Busch, and Safeway. FUSE3 was also the African American advertising agency of record for the historic Obama for President Campaign in 2008 and 2012, among other local, state, and national campaigns. FUSE3 has also worked with governmental entities. According to Advertising Age, FUSE3 is the 4th largest independent African-American-owned advertising agency in the country. On the local development team for New Planet Energy’s St. Louis project, Mr. Franklin advises on local public and media relations.
A lifelong resident of St. Louis, Mr. Franklin has served on numerous local boards including St. Louis Children’s Hospital, St. Louis Regional Chamber and Growth Association, ARCHS, and is a life member and National Board Member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity. He donates vast amounts of time and resources to community and philanthropic organizations.
Goals for OUR
St. Louis project
Achieve a Zero Waste Goal. St. Louis can become one of the first major cities in the US to substantially achieve this.
Significant cost savings. The city can achieve up to an 80% landfill diversion rate at about half the cost of the area’s current recycling rates. In addition, handling recycling in this way reduces wear and tear on city streets and the city’s fleet of trucks.
Reduce St. Louis’s carbon footprint by diverting almost all its trash from landfills, which are a major source of methane gas.
Job creation with a focus on hiring minorities. This project will create many well-paying green jobs.
Make a major investment in the City. We are prepared to make up to a $95 million investment in North St. Louis with a properly permitted property.
Balance City residents’ strong desire to live sustainably while being fiscally responsible.

Fiscal Impact & Economic Benefits
The Beneficial Economic Impacts of NEW PLANET ENERGY’s facility in St. Louis, MO include:
During construction:
$103.4 million in local spending
409 jobs (direct, indirect, induced)
$26.3 million in wages & benefits
$43.7 million in value-added impacts*
$91.6 million in purchases of intermediate inputs**
$135.3 million in total value-added economic impact
Annual operations:
$42.2 million per year in local spending
247 jobs (direct, indirect, induced)
$12.4 million per year in wages & benefits
$21.2 million per year in value-added impacts*
$33.6 million per year in purchases of intermediate inputs**
$54.8 million per year in total value-added economic impact
* value-added impact measures the income generated to other businesses in the county from production once the cost of inputs is removed. This income includes countywide payments to labor, net earnings of local businesses, countywide returns on investment, as well as revenues from taxes and fees collected by local governments.
** intermediate inputs are the goods and services (including energy, raw materials, semi-finished goods, and services) that are used in the production process to produce other goods or services.
Climate Change Benefits & Greenhouse Gas (GHG)
Up to 80% landfill diversion and becomes the first major metropolitan area to substantially achieve its Zero Waste goal.
Saves 4.54 million tons of GHG emissions over the life of the project, which is a 383% improvement over the current practice.¹
Diverts ~270,000 tons of waste per year from area landfills. Landfilled waste is the 3rd largest source of biogenic methane gas release to the environment.
Environmental benefits equal to:
Removal of ~48,000 cars from the road each year,
Conservation of ~512 million gallons of gasoline over the life of the project, or
Conservation of ~190 million cylinders of propane over the life of the project.²
Social Justice benefits³ stemming from improved health conditions, cleaner air, and better-paying jobs with New Planet's investment in a proposed Opportunity and Promise Zone.
1. GHG emissions calculations based on output from EPA WARM model, version 15
2. Savings include additional 34,000 tpy to adjust for SRF combustion compared to 100% coal baseline fuel used by cement kiln
3. Impacts, Risks, and Adaptation in the United States: Fourth National Climate Assessment, doi:10.7930/nca4.2018
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reductions

Grey Trendline: Cumulative GHG Savings
Orange Bars: GHG Emissions from Current Landfilling
Green Bars: Anticipated Reduced GHG Emissions with New Planet’s Solution